Carrier selects Bramble’s research team to gather insights from insurance producers

This week we’re kicking off a consumer insights study focused on the producer experience for binding complex policies. Partnering with our confidential client’s internal operations and agent success teams, we’re developing a series of structured phone interviews and digital surveys to:

  • Inform our client’s transformation priorities,

  • Gather feedback on process changes made in the last year,

  • Test market-fit for some proposed changes this year,

  • Discover what tools independent agents are using from other partners, and

  • (Hopefully) surprise the team with some unexpected insights from their highest yielding producers.

“While internal teams typically have a strong sense of what is going on in the field, it can be hard to gauge whether the team suffers from "‘squeaky wheel syndrome’,” founder Ann Boger explains. “Having an insights partner can help dig deeper into what friction points are having the biggest impact to your partners, what they love about your product, and where you stand in the market from an agent’s perspective.”

The project is intended to take two months and leverages a cross-disciplinary team including a user researcher, an insurance agent, a strategy lead.

Ann Boger

Ann loves to build human-centered systems that foster critical thinking, collaboration and learning. She is founder, coach, mentor and lead for the Bramble team.


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