Privacy Policy

Your privacy concerns are important to Bramble and Bird Consulting, LLC and its affiliates (collectively referred to herein as “we” or “us”). This Privacy Policy is designed to provide you with the information you need to control your personal information. Please note also that this Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with our Terms of Use. By using this website or any affiliate website which links to this Privacy Policy (the “Website”), you agree to the collection and use of your information by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use this Website.

  1. You may use most of this Website without giving us information that identifies you, such as your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. We refer to these types of information as “Personally Identifying Information.”

  2. We may collect Personally Identifying Information about you when you communicate with this Website or schedule a meeting. We may also use Personally Identifying Information in the aggregate for marketing, research, fundraising, and administrative purposes and may share such aggregated information with third parties for these and similar purposes.

  3. Your information will be used to bill you for the requested product(s) or service(s). By purchasing product(s) or service(s) or making a donation, you consent to our providing your financial information to our service providers as we determine are necessary to process the transaction. These third parties may include the banking institutions used to process the transaction.

  4. Information collected through our studies, polls, surveys, newsletters, and questionnaires is used in the aggregate. No Personally Identifying Information collected from these sources will be shared with third parties without the consent of the individuals who provided it.

  5. We may use third party contractors to help us operate our organization and this Website or administer activities on our behalf, such as payment processing or service provision, and may share your Personally Identifying Information with these contractors for those limited purposes.

  6. We may use third party vendors and service providers (“Third Party Vendors”) to help us operate our organization and this Website or administer activities on our behalf and may share your information, including Personally Identifying Information with these Third Party Vendors for those purposes. Such Third Party Vendors may have full access to our Website data and may store, transmit, or track your Personally Identifying Information in accordance with their own privacy policies. We are not liable for disclosure of Personally Identifying Information due to errors by Third Party Vendors.

  7. We may collect information, such as your Website browsing patterns, and IP address, through passive means. We may use this information for internal purposes and to help us interact with visitors to this Website. We may also provide this information to third parties in an aggregate form. We may use tracking technologies such as cookies to help us administer this Website, such as facilitating the log-in process and tracking sessions.

  8. Postings that may be available on this Website may be viewed by anyone who visits areas that feature user contribution. You should exercise caution not to provide any Personally Identifying Information or other information that you would not want seen by others. Use of such community functions is at your own risk.

  9. We will use commercially reasonable security measures and/or security measures required by applicable United States laws, regulations, and rules to protect Personally Identifying Information. In making your decision whether to provide Personally Identifying Information, you should be aware of the general risks of transmitting information over the Internet. While we attempt to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing our files or tampering with this Website, we cannot guarantee that these efforts always will be successful. We are not liable for disclosure of Personally Identifying Information due to errors in transmission or unauthorized acts of third parties. If your communication is sensitive, you may want to send it by postal mail (see Contact Us for our address).

  10. If you visit a Website that is linked to this Website, you should consult that Website’s privacy policy before providing Personally Identifying Information. We are not responsible for the information collection and use practices or the content of the Websites to which we link.

  11. Unless you tell us not to, we may use your Personally Identifying Information to contact you with information we think you may be interested in. If you change your mind or if you receive newsletters or other communications that you do not wish to receive, please contact us or follow the instructions for removing your name from the circulation list for that item. Please note that changes to your preferences may not be effective immediately.

  12. If Bramble and Bird is sold to or merge with, another company, or declare bankruptcy, some or all of the information collected from you may be transferred to a third party as a result of the transfer of assets. We may also disclose your information when we determine it is necessary to comply with applicable laws or protect our interests or safety or that of other visitors to this Website.

  13. This Website may be used only by individuals over the age of 18. We urge parents to supervise their children’s use of the Internet. We do not knowingly collect any information from children under the age of 13. However, if a parent learns that a child has submitted Personally Identifying Information to this Website, the parent should contact us and that information will be deleted.

  14. This Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time. Changes will be posted on this page, so we encourage you to check this page regularly. Your continued use of this Website following any changes to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such changes.